
Click below for tickets.  Please note:  Tickets purchased online will not be mailed, they’ll be available at the main entrance the day of the performance.

Spoon River Anthology

Spoon River

 “Spoon River Anthology” by Edgar Lee Masters and performed by the Little Victory Players comes to Roberson on June 16th at 2 p.m.   This is a collection of stories from Edgar Lee Masters’ stirring seminal 1915 book and told from the perspective of its deceased residents. Each vignette vividly depicts life in the fictional small Midwestern town of Spoon River. The play captures the tragedies, turmoil and triumphs, along with the everyday joys and sorrows that are all-too-human in their final resting place as they reveal some surprising secrets they took to their graves on the towns Cemetery Hill.

Support provided by the general operations support grants from the United Cultural Fund, a program of the Broome County Arts Council; the Conrad and Virginia Klee Foundation; the Zoos, Botanical Gardens and Aquariums Program, administered by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreational, and Historical Preservation; and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.